Well Well Well

We will help you to achieve your health goals

  • 1,178 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • WalletConnect - Innovation Pooled Prize 🎱
  • iExec - DataProtector and Web3Mail 🔐
  • Gnosis - Open Innovation on Gnosis Chain 💡



The objective of our project is to utilize the possibilities of privacy, security, verifiability, and immutability that the web3 environment provides to unlock new possibilities for the use of health data. Firstly, the user needs to have ownership over their health data, and then we need to provide a secure platform where this data can be processed in a safe manner.

User flow: 

1) User access the platform;

2) User connects with Google Fit API and  consent to offer his steps data;

3) The platform will calculate a daily goal for the next day;

4) In the next day, the user will offer his daily steps data and the platform will check if he achieved the goal;

5) If the user achieved the goal, he will be able to mint a brand new NFT.


- The platform will not save user data, just set goals based on the steps of the day.

- We have chosen to use Google Fit API because it can be used either in iOS and Android.

  • DISCORD USER NAME (team contact to share the judging details)
    GBCS#0109, brunobouwman, bntrevelin


  • GNOSIS CONTRACT - https://gnosisscan.io/address/0x1e2319edbfb7bb0e9311898113747f42a65c74e0