The free, fun, and effective way to enter web3.
A gamified learning experience inspired by Duolingo.
Learn, discover, and interact with web3 while on the couch!
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT (2 lines) The free, fun, and effective way to enter web3. A gamified learning experience inspired by Duolingo. Learn, discover, and interact with web3 while on the couch! threelingo is a consumer app that lets you learn through multiple choices, true/false, fill-the-gap questions and simply guides you through your first transactions. threelingo is for web3 newbies!
DISCORD USER NAME (team contact to share the judging details) limone.eth
The contract address(es) or website URLs of your deployed application, either on a testnet of your choice or mainnet of a platform of choice. 📂📂 (NOT mandatory) Polygon zkEVM Testnet: 0x88A9d29d09A9216F7d750e50B9Aa35dF9eA49203
Bounties - Safe Protocol and Account Abstraction: we used Safe to login the user with Web3Auth as well as walking him through some interactive steps into the smart account course section - Peanut: we used Peanut to allow users claiming a Proof of Completion NFT once completed a course - Web3Inbox: we used Web3Inbox to notify users about their new NFT received once completed the course and also for reminder notifications - PolygonZKEVM: we deployed there our ERC1155 Proof Of Completion NFT as well as used the network to perform all the interactive steps made by the user (deploying Safe, sending transactions, interacting with smart contracts) - Fuel: we included a specific educational section in the Scaling Ethereum course about Fuel Network