Our DeFi platform is designed at its core to be simplistic and user friendly with the capability to allow borrowers and lenders to leverage their assets to create a decentralized platform releasing equity from assets held within the crypto eco-system with regulatory compliance such as KYC, AML and CFT. Currently individuals have a lengthy process to exit the market and in many instances do not wish to sell their positions for a loss; or for a perceived loss. Our DeFi platfrom will allow them to lock their crypto asset at present value for similar value in stablecoins / CBDC tokens and make regular payments to receive their assets back at the initial loan price plus interest. This creates a scenario whereby should the locked asset increase in value to a greater amount within the duration of the loan agreement, the borrower can realize the original value and take advantage of the increase in asset price once the loan + interest has been paid in full.
Website: https://regulend.webstudio.so/?t=71024
For full documentation please refer to the GitHub Repository ReadMe file.
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Karlitoyo/Regulatory-lending-ethDublin24
Applied Bounties: SeeBlocks.ie, WebStudio.io