AI-powered DAP Proposal Bot, trained with comprehensive information about a DAO (Gnars DAO) educates users about DAO's and provides guidance to create the optimal fundraising proposal submission.

  • 8,227 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • Team Size 4


  • ETHChi for Good
  • Partner - BuidlGuidl



DAO Prop Bot

Problem: Submitting fundraising DAO proposals can be complex and users lack the knowledge, skills, and tools to successfully win DAO proposals.

Solution: DAO Prop Bot educates users about a DAO, performs proposal analysis, and makes proposal improvements to increase the likelihood of proposal success.

User Story: 

User Persona: Joe, a 3 time world Champion Rollerblading, needs funding for the FISE.

Solution: DAO Prop Bot educates him about Gnars DAO with regards to the optimal fundraising proposal submission.

Outcome: Joe’s proposal is approved by Gnars DAO

Future Roadmap:

  • Formal integration with specific DAO’s
    • Gnars.wtf
    • Nouns.wtf    
  • Expansion to additional DAO’s
    • Lilnouns.wtf

BUIDL/GUIDL Bounty Qualifications:

  • Purpose

    • Educate users about a DAO and help them create and submit the best possible DAO proposal. 

  • Functionality

  • Impact

    • DAO Prop Bot enables all consumers, web2 and web3, to improve their DAO proposals to increase the likelihood of proposal success. 

    • DAO Prop Bot empowers users to receive funding for their ideas and passions. 

ETHChi for Good Bounty Qualifications:

  • Purpose

    • Educate Chicago residents about a DAO and help them create and submit the best possible DAO proposal. 

  • Functionality

    • AI Education: DAO Prop Bot contains AI training to conversationally educate a Chicago resident about a DAO. 

    • AI Guidance: DAO Prop Bot performs analysis and makes improvements to increase the likelihood of DAO proposal success. 

    • DAO Prop Bot leverages Scaffold ETH 2 in order to submit the DAO Proposal to IPFS and uses Attestation in order to trace proposals through submission and approval processes. 

  • Impact

    • DAO Prop Bot enables all Chicago residents, web2 and web3, to improve their DAO proposals to increase the likelihood of proposal success. 

    • DAO Prop Bot empowers Chicago residents to receive funding for their ideas and passions. 

Link to Pitch Deck & Presentation
