
Helping Web3 Projects to reach crypto newcomers

  • 284 Raised
  • 6 Judges


  • Ethereum Track Bounty
  • Ethereum Attestation Service
  • ETHBelgrade



Fidger - helping Web3 projects to reach crypto newcomers



EAS Schema


It’s currently hard to onboard new users to Web3 directly. 

They need to:

1) Have initial know-how to create a private wallet,

2) Register in CEX to exchange initial value,

3) Transfer value back to Web3 to interact with the protocols


We provide physical wallets as a tool and service for Web3 projects.

1. Business orders branded physical wallets

2. The business installs our npm package

3. Business attests on EAS cards as valid ones by preloading them with desired assets.

4. We send out wallets to the end-users or businesses

5. End-user scans code visits the business website and can interact with Web3 products instantly

6. End-user is attested as a valid receiver of the card

Market Opportunity

Currently, DEXs only make up 14% of all crypto trading volume. The rest of the crypto is traded on CEXs.

Web3 projects compete for users' attention by providing incentives and rewards, it would be nice to get something physical from your favorite project.

Instead of getting listed on CEX why not onboard your clients straight to your platform?

Target Audience

First-time crypto users currently not holding any Web3 wallet

MVP Overview

1. Solution to implement our wallet into your Web3 project

2. Tool to generate QR code which has encrypted private key

3. After scanning the QR code modal to enter the PIN code which decrypts hashed private key in the QR code

4. Displaying preloaded assets

Competitive Analysis

Nothing similar operating right now

Business Model

B2B charge per physical card

Later on, provide advertisement for Web3 products through physical cards marketplace

Marketing and Growth Strategy

B2B: reach out to new projects, helping them out with current KYC compliance processes and noncrypto users reach


Without solution:

$50,000 is a starting price to get listed on the CEX.


$0.40 Holographic plastic card + $0.20 Premium envelope + $1.5 Global Forever® stamp(international shipping) = $2.10 per user.

For $50,000 you can reach 25,000 users physically.
