
A decentralised voting application where organizers can start an election and add candidates and users can vote

  • 210 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • Oasis - Build natively on Sapphire


Description - A decentralized voting platform where organizers can start an election and add candidates and voters can vote in the election

Github Link - https://github.com/Akhil-2310/Eth-Dam

Features - 

- Multple organizers can start elections

- Each organizer can start multiple elections

- One Voter per voter in each election


- Organizers can join and iniate an election

- Organizers will add candidates and start election

- Voting begins

- Organizers can end election and results will be disclosed

Challenges - 

I wanted to use MACI for zk voting and bandada for adding candidates but unfortunately could not due to time constraints and had some issues understanding the same.

Future Scope - 

 I would definitely use bandada and MACI for voting purpose as it would ensure privacy and elections can be more fair