Crowd Management

The project revolves around collecting information about crowd movement in a given area, with specialization depending on possible goals.

  • 157 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • Greece


  • This hackathon has categories available. Please select one if necessary.


💎 Idea

Provide users with conjunction info for tourist attractions

Provide companies and agencies with crowd movement info

🛰️ EU space technologies

Position and time data from Galileo

Possibly weather data from Copernicus

🏖️ (Re)Visit Europe

💪 Team 

> Georgia Zachou: 

Lead coder and project coordinator

Undergraduate student: School of applied mathematics and physical studies, NTUA

> Marios Andreas Zaglis: 

Support coder and responsible for the business model 

Undergraduate student: School of applied mathematics and physical studies, NTUA

> Kosmas Fritzalas

Support coder

Undergraduate student: School of applied mathematics and physical studies, NTUA
