KIMIA travels

Your digital travel companion for personalized travel experiences

  • 530 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • Norway


  • Experiencing cities and cultures
  • Exploring nature with care



💎 Idea

Promoting smaller businesses and hidden "gems", curating your personal travel experience based on input and databases, and datasets and space data, crowd managing tourist away from overtaxed sites and areas.

The idea is based on a concrete case from destination network and travel agents, wanting a tool for their customers to plan their travels and create itineraries using more small businesses. The product is a virtual companion that by asking you questions creates an interest profile of you and the trip you want. Based on that it suggests an itinerary and follows you onto your preferred chat-platform (f.i messenger). It also joins you on your trip, giving you tips along the way.

To supercharge and differentiate the tips the platform is able to give, we measure rate of soil impact using Radar images, detecting change over time, giving an assesment of if this rate is sustainable or not.

Coupled with wide spectrum images enabling us to detect changes in flora and fauna patterns, we will at first give reports based on "there is change, should we call an expert to check it out" based on the report from the expert, we build a better model for this region, this approach is biome specific, yet the modell itself is scaleable.

In addition, the core of the plattform itself is heavily reliant on GNSS services for check-in automation and triggering push events. 


🛰️ EU space technologies

- GNSS positioning

- Wide spectrum Satellite imagery overlapped with vulnerability maps to identify extra vulnerable and extra resilient areas.

- S1 High resolution RADAR

🏖️ (Re)Visit Europe Touching on both #2 and #3! 

- Crowd management and slow tourism, by nudging tourist in the "right" direction towards smaller actors and choosing visiting hours with a lower visitor forecast

- Personal recommendations and itineraries, through the digital assistant

- Supporting local businesses and communities, giving them a level playing field with bigger actors

- Conservation of local nature and biodiversity, by using space data and overlapping vulnerability maps for endangered or vulnerable species or cultural heritage sites.

- Generation of (new) routes, points of interest and activities, by identifying smaller actors, seasonal or sporadic activities and planning the route according to the itineraries

💪 Team 

Tobias - our expert in creation of digital assistants

Mariann - expert in concept generation, sustainability and calculation of carbon emissions, and spatial data

Stian - resident AI-guy, master student in entrepreneurship and innovation, tech-head

Julia - customer expert - CEO of a travel agency creating tailor-made travel itineraries

Meree - expert in customer and partner relations, with a background in business and public management

Sonia - expert in customer relations - travel agent

Karolina - expert tour guide in the Sørlandet area - travel agent - linguist