
Upgrade Your touristc experience into another dimension

  • 449 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • Poland


  • Experiencing cities and cultures


Project Website: https://futouristic.netlify.app

💎 Idea

Virtual travelling & sightseeing experience, applying technology that addresses sustainability and eco-friendly targets as well as unlimited inclusion. Can be offered as promotion, incentive, complementary experience or the only option available for the disabled, elderly or simply those who are unable to actually travel. The idea is based on using modern technologies: drones, VR, EO satellite data, hi-bandwitdh internet connectivity.

🛰️ EU space technologies

Precise geolocation provided by GNSS, especially Galileo satellite constellation for urban areas, is used for drone flight navigation, assuring safe and smooth video recording of planned routes.

For experiences with educational layer, various EO data images may be overlayed onto 360 video footage, adding valuable contribution and extending geographical & environmental content. Publicly availabe data with ~1 meter resolution would be sufficient for most applications with flights at ~100m altitude.

🏖️ (Re)Visit Europe

Our proposed project is related to challenge #2 - experiencing cities & cultures with aid of most up-to-date modern technologies and making tourism more sustainable and accessible.

💪 Team 

  • Alicja Ostrowicka - Business Developer & core banking IT tester
  • Piotrek Konorski - Astronomer & Data Scientist
  • Rafał Kowalczyk - IT developer & Data Analytics

