
One swap solution to make your local experiences an adventure!

  • 0 Raised
  • 0 Judges


  • Netherlands


  • Experiencing cities and cultures


Canals across Europe suffer from overtouristing, and the quality of water affects the local urban environment. We propose to provide local councils and Tourism boards with a dashboard/map that will identify the canals that need reduced tourism loads.

Amsterdam has some of the cleanest canals in Europe, but Birmingham has 35 miles of canals, which is said to be more than Venice. Italian canals include: Canale Maestro della Chiana. Canale Piovego. Canale Villoresi.

💎 Idea

🛰️ EU space technologies

🏖️ (Re)Visit Europe

Which of the 3 challenges are you solving (finding sustainable destinations, experiencing cities and cultures or exploring nature with care), and how does this make tourism more sustainable and digital?
This initiative focuses on #2 Experiencing cities, since this solution can incorporate guidance to local customs, simplify the onboarding / arrival process, understand and explore the local culture further and reduce the impact tourism has on the local culture and society.

💪 Team 

Tell us who is in your team, what role they have (e.g. coder/designer), and a 1-2 sentence bio.

Marco Morales: UX / Business
