Choose Your Space

Make decisions about where do you want to go on holidays or where do you want to buy your house taking into account meteorological and human conditions.

  • 7,302 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • Spain


  • 2. Strengthening food security & access to clean water
  • 1. Supporting sustainable infrastructure development


💎 Idea

Our main aim is to help people choose their perfect environment to start a new life or to disconnect from their current one. We want to do this by helping people base their decisions in how the climate, anthropological conditions and pollution may affect their lives (maybe they don't like huge car jams, or they have allergies and they prefer to live in a less polluted area, etc.). To be able to implement this idea we retrieve information from Sentinel satellites and housing companies (e.g. airbnb or Idealista) and superpose all of them into a map. The user can select the layers they want to use and the relative importance it has for them, in order to obtain a heatmap with a puntuation according to the parameters they introduced. The actual model only integrates data about airbnb for the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and precipitations, in order to have an idea of what it would look like to have this data integrated.

Additionally, this service would be a great asset for Real Estate agents willing to prove to their clients the quality air of the houses for sale, a good added value for places like idealista to show to potential costumers or even help investors decide the location of their new development attending to this data. All of this would help create a greener environment, as cities and villages would like to go greener in order to atract investors.

🛰️ EU space technologies

The data used in this project comes from Sentinel 5-p and other Sentinel satellites, where we have chosen typical meteorological data as well as pollution data. In further steps mobility data would be added to the map in order to show how busy the area tends to be. As so, we can collect in one place a lot of variables that the user can tweak at their pleasure, in order to obtain the most relevant data for them.

🏦 Space for the Financial World

We would like to help people take smarter decisions in terms of investments (of buying their own house) while also reducing their carbon footprint when they look for houses near their job or their vacations destination. As stated in the idea, involving Real Estate agencies and investors could also lead to greener local iniciatives in order to attract inversors.

🤼 Team

Fran Asensio (22) - Physics Student interested in Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics.

Ricard Rodríguez (22) - Physics Student interested in Computational Modeling and Programming.

Pavel Fedotov - Python developer with a background at NFTs and Blockchain.

Carla Salas (22) - Theoretical Physicist studying a MSc in Astrophysics, Particle Physics and Cosmology.
