Drone Educational Platform for Everyone

Advance your drone imagery with ML and add new skills.

  • 4,294 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • Switzerland


  • 1. Supporting sustainable infrastructure development



💎 Idea

Establish a public education program. Raise awareness of drone flying safety and educate people who are not familiar with the industry. 

Online Platform for everyone. Buy workshops for escalate or learn about new drone technologies. (drone programming, drone building, racing and safety flying.)

Future of smart logistics and transport in EU, support sustainable agriculture and small farmers with drone delivery solutions.

🛰️ EU space technologies

Automated drones need to be use accurate satellite data for exact GPS/locations for better delivery.

Safety Air traffic using GNSS, EGNOS data.

Sustainable green financing.

🏦 Space for the Financial World

Potential financial investment in drone education for non-users and users.

Challenges include market change from manual users to automated drone operators. 

🤼 Team

Szilvia -  Msc student in Physical geography and ecosystem science, experience in aerospace industry

Deniz - html/css experience with JavaScript, Microsoft Power apps

Siamak - Space engineering Student

TAI-  Accounting and finance professional
