Utilize ice cover and chlorophyll concentration to understand the effects of climate change on natural habitats.

  • 6,845 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • Slovakia


  • Caring for our wildlife



 💎 Idea

Ocean is the key driver in carbon sequestration from the atmosphere via photosynthesis by phytoplankton. Changes in ice cover, climate patterns and nutrient availability may affect the oceans carbon fluxes. Phytoplankton is the base of the throphic food webs in the Arctic and source of the nutrients on which all marine Arctic life depends. Thus conservation of areas with high density of phytoplankton should be of the main interest. The benefits consist of vast number of ecosystem dervices, such as carbon sequestration, increased fish stocks, developement for local communities etc. Efforts to store CO2 by the Arctic ocean may help Artctic (and other) countries to implement their zero carbon goals in the future and has a potential on the carbon market.

🚀 EU space technologies

Make use of ESA Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument CCI Remote Sensing Reflectance in order to monitor chlorophyll mass concentration.  Combine it with Copernicus historical Arctic ice cover data to evaluate areas with high density of phytoplankton.

❄️ Connecting the Arctic

Caring for our wildlife - Protecting marine biodiversity and Understanding the effects of climate change on natural habitats.


  • Tomáš Kozák - Technological enthusiast, programmer and successful hackathonist. Background in environmental physics and passionate about climate challenges.
  • Daniel Kozák - Researcher with focus on biological conservation and wildlife management. Obtained PhD. in forest biology, authored and co-authored several peer-reviewed publications in high profile journals.
  • Matúš Cimerman - Engineer passionate about machine learning, software engineering and data analytics. Experienced team leader with background in startup entrepreneurial world.
