Remote Work Center

The pandemic has worsened the problem of unemployment among young people. It has also created the need to have many people work from home, but this is not always possible, due to various problems .

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  • Adaptive Worksplace



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    1. Cosa ti motiva a far parte di Bounce Back Ideas?* 

Fino a 1000 caratteri. Descrivi cosa ti motiva a far parte di Bounce Back Ideas

 It motivates me, the desire to try to face and solve the problems of modern society ...

  • 2. Dichiarazione problema/opportunità*: 
  • Fino a 1000 caratteri. Spiega il problema/opportunità a cui si rivolge la tua idea. Come si collega agli effetti della pandemia di COVID-19?

The health emergency has forced many workers to work from home and to resort to various forms of "agile work": from smart working to teleworking.

For this reason they have often been called to improvise a "makeshift office" in our homes.

The return to a new normal has highlighted both the possible benefits of this new organization of work and the risks for workers and employers. It is in fact possible that these advantages - depending on the specificities of the remote work situation and its management - may become disadvantages, exposing workers and employers to some (greater) occupational risks.

  • 3. Descrizione breve dell'idea*:  fino a 500 caratteri.


The pandemic has exacerbated the problem of youth unemployment. It has also created the need to have many people work from home, but this is not always possible, due to the various problems that arise. My idea is to create appropriately organized places where the worker can work without having any kind of technical or other problem. In fact, they will be solved by the staff formed by suitably trained former unemployed young people.

  • 4. Descrizione lunga dell'idea*: 

Fino a 2000 caratteri.

My idea is therefore to set up large spaces, ideal canopies, large spaces that allow distancing also for a matter of privacy appropriately sanitized against the covid in which workers have their own workstation that respects ergonomics, with a connection in stable and fast optical fiber, a powerful computer of the latest generation, leased with the most up-to-date programs, continuously checked by specialized personnel, promptly replaced in case of failure, it will also be possible to request the assistance of specialized technical personnel for software problems, hardware, or about any possible procedure that is not known and that does not appear as clear as privacy. Short courses will also be held to learn all the procedures and technical aspects to work effectively remotely. In exchange for these essential services to function properly, workers would pay a monthly subscription that also includes assistance. Obviously, these places will be easily accessible by workers by public transport but also with their own car, including large parking lots, bars, restaurants, meeting rooms and gyms. This would solve the countless problems related to remote work and at the same time create many jobs for young people, particularly affected by unemployment due to this pandemic, adequately trained young people and former unemployed.

Descrivi in dettaglio la tua idea per l'obiettivo di contribuire alla ripresa da COVID-19.

  • 5. Perché la tua idea è innovativa?* 

Fino a 1000 caratteri. Perché la proposta di valore della tua idea è nuova e unica? 


My idea is innovative because before Covid remote work was not very widespread in Europe, it only interested a very limited number of people, so there was no need to create a structure like that of my idea, which with the pandemic instead , it becomes essential, to allow workers to be more productive and avoid all the problems of working from home such as, for example, work in progress near the home, presence of small children crying or screaming, proximity to busy roads or highways, nearby noisy and endless technical problems that are difficult to solve on your own.


  • 6. Quali sono i potenziali impatti della tua idea?*
      Fino a 1000 caratteri. Qual è il potenziale impatto dell'idea sugli effetti economici e sociali della pandemia di COVID-19? Chi potrebbe trarre vantaggio dal progetto ed è scalabile per altre popolazioni? In che modo stimola un effetto positivo sull'economia, la società e l'ambiente?


The impacts of my idea on the economic and social effects of Covid allow us to considerably mitigate the damage that the virus causes, workers work better and therefore produce more with cutting-edge technological tools and with continuous specialized assistance, in addition to the isolation to which remote workforce, is canceled by the presence of many people in the same place but appropriately spaced and protected by the most recent Anti Covid systems. My idea is feasible all over the world and the benefits concern both workers and companies who see an increase in productivity and consequently the whole society, the environment also benefits, the shorter distances from work. in fact they encourage car sharing or the use of bicycles.


  • 7. Come pensi di implementare questa idea?* 

Fino a 1000 caratteri. Qual è lo stadio attuale della tua idea e come ci sei arrivato? Come pensi di trasformare questa idea in realtà? Qual è il tuo piano di implementazione?

We are carefully studying this idea that has only strengths and as soon as possible within the next year we intend to implement it, initially evaluating whether there is a demand for this type of services from remote workers. In fact, we believe it is a necessity for this type of worker

  • 8. Perché il tuo team è ideale per implementare questa idea?*

Fino a 1000 caratteri. Quali competenze ha il tuo team per implementare l'idea?


We are Internet experts that we have known from the beginning and also hardware technicians, I also took a course on smart working ...


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  • Immagine*: scegli un'immagine che rappresenti al meglio la tua idea.
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