
(design is site online updated)Turn on the status of the social network "Mentor". If you need a hint, ask your mentor. Share your experience with young people by becoming a “Mentor”! Chat bot helper.

  • 0 Raised
  • 0 Judges


  • New Business
  • Job Recovery
  • Business Pivoting
  • Education & Training
  • Adaptive Worksplace


  • 1. What motivates you to be part of Bounce Back Ideas?* 

       My motivation consists of different components, the first is a possible understanding of the difficulties of young people who are faced with a difficult period of influence of the corona of a viral pandemic on their life development. The desire to try to find a solution for young people through the formulation of the problem of the problem of the hackathon. - Making improvements can have the effect of transferring the development of experience - “Human-centered design is a philosophy, not an exact set of methods, but one that requires innovation to start with getting closer to users and observing their actions.” Donald A. Norman

  • 2. Problem/Opportunity Statement*: 

 Explain the problem/opportunity your idea is addressing. How does it relate to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic?                                                                                                                                                      The pandemic has affected all spheres of life, including the economy and youth employment, complicating physical perception, preventing young people from making decisions about the future, career growth, education, self-realization and other areas of development.                                                                                                                                                           

  • 3. Short Idea  Description*: Up to 500 characters.Up to 1000 characters.                                       Why is the value proposition of your idea new and unique? 

    Why is your idea's value proposition new and unique?

    The developed ideas will improve the development of mentoring ideas, create innovations for the development of assistance to young people using popular technologies, both among young people and among adults. The essence of the idea is to include the status of "Mentor" in social networks as a global initiative - "Mutual Mentoring", which will develop relationships for new achievements in education, professional career, self-realization, creating a new business and many other areas.


  • 4. Long Idea Description*:                                                                                                                                                                      

Quote: “Why a mentor? At its core, mentoring reassures young people that there is someone to take care of them, reassures them that they are not alone in solving day-to-day problems, and makes them feel important. Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships have a strong positive impact on young people in a wide variety of personal, academic and professional situations. Ultimately, mentoring connects a young person to personal growth and development, as well as social and economic opportunities. However, one in three young people can grow up without this important asset.             Mentoring Changes Lives. Save Our Youth

  • 6. What are the potential impacts of your idea?*

The development of ideas and the implementation of ideas will make it possible to make changes and improvements for the directions of education, development of skills, self-realization of creativity through business, and improve job search services. Scalability can be achieved through the use and implementation of the proposed solutions in the areas described in the idea.

  • 7. How do you plan to implement this idea?* 

The idea is to be at the stage of continued development. Some tools can be applied right now, by interested parties for the scalability of ideas. Brainstorming allowed us to consider the task of the competition through design methods, which led to the ideas proposed in the presentation of the site with prototypes (chat bot templates). For further development. ideas require additional research and sprinting designs.

  • 8. Why is your team ideal to implement this idea?*

Since the idea is still under development, the stakeholder teams will consider various aspects and feasibility of the ideas, as well as application, scalability and integration.                                                                  No prize pool required for this representation!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I would like to thank all the participants and the hackathon project team for their help in developing the idea! Especially Daniela Valenzuela (DV) for her contributions and additions to the creation of ideas! Also for the support of Ugo Matone and his communication!


Add images to your content to make it more engaging.

  • Image*: Choose an image that best represents your idea.
  • Supporting documentation: Attach any supporting documentation that strengthens your proposal.

