We are developing a parachain for edge computing, designed to target enterprise clients, our blockchain will govern numerous edge data centers globally. With custom product lines to address specific needs of enterprises, the platform will help users to shift specific low latency tasks to our network of edge data centers and also automate workload orchestration from cloud to edge. We are currently establishing partnerships with around 50 Data center providers operational in 25+ countries worldwide. We are the first blockchain-enabled edge computing solution to cater to enterprise regulations like (KYC, AML, SLAs etc.)
We want drive enterprise adoption into the polkadot ecosystem by creating a service that will cater to enterprises globally. As we scale we would incentivise and encourage community members to setup micro data centers to ensure that we have an exclusive network of micro edge data centers globally to become one of global leaders in this space.
Checkout this UX demo which shows how we envision to transform this project in the future
For this hackathon, we are developing our first product line called Cyberdock, to help users deploy public docker images in one of our confidential computing clusters and also view results.
The submission is just a base version that works, we are actively building this to launch our alpha soon.
The objective is two fold:
Enable datacenter operators to setup k3s clusters using our app.
Enable users to deploy docker container, view logs and results.
Key Features
K3s Master node and worker registration using substrate address
Task execution function to help in deploying docker containers in our k3s clusters.
Stream computation metrics and execution logs.
Though this is already existing project, our actual development started in the hacking period of this hackathon since the team was majorly focused on business aspects until then.
The entire functional logic (Substrate pallet) for this product line was developed during the hacking period of the hackathon. We already had a basic k3s worker config but we greatly improved it in the hacking period to suit this particular use case. We have also created a very minimalistic front end for the demo by forking the substrate node front end template to create the cyborg connect app.
Here is a simple “Hello World” docker image for testing - https://hub.docker.com/_/hello-world (use this in the text box of deploy docker image)
Project Github Repos
App Live demo - https://cyborg-network.github.io/cyborg-connect/