Virtual hackathon by Aleph Zero, fast blockchain supporting Rust/ink! and an upcoming privacy engine

  • 196 Participants
  • 60,000 Invested
  • 0 Uninvested



  • Blockchain
  • Web3
  • ZK
  • DeFi

Win up to $75k in bounties & $500k in EFP funding

Grand Prize - Best overall project - $10k

Tooling and Infrastructure track - $12k:

  • 1st prize: $6k

  • 2nd prize: $4k

  • 3rd prize: $2k

DiD track - $12k:

  • 1st prize: $6k

  • 2nd prize: $4k

  • 3rd prize: $2k

Gaming track - $12k:

  • 1st prize: $6k

  • 2nd prize: $4k

  • 3rd prize: $2k

Degen / DeFi track - $12k:

  • 1st prize: $6k

  • 2nd prize: $4k

  • 3rd prize: $2k

Telco track - $12k:

  • 1st prize: $6k

  • 2nd prize: $4k

  • 3rd prize: $2k

Prizes will be paid out after the announcements on February 5th. Payout will be in the USD equivalent of $AZERO tokens on the day of payment, distributed on Aleph Zero Mainnet.