OutSystems Build for the Future Hackathon 2024

Building Apps that make a difference

Línea de tiempo

  • Confirming teams17 Sep, 2024 - 17:00
  • Hackathon Kick-off23 Sep, 2024 - 14:00
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  • 566 Participantes


  • Social Good & Impact

📖 Rules

1. Who Can Participate? 

This hackathon is open to OutSystems developers who would like to practice their skills in ODC and those new to OutSystems who are willing to learn and make a difference. AWS and Microsoft Community members, as well as developers from other communities, are encouraged to join. OutSystems will assist in training for newcomers.

a) Teams

Teams should have a minimum of one and a maximum of five team members. We recommend building a diverse team that covers a wide spectrum of skills: developer, tech lead, UX/UI designer, and product owner. However, teams are free to choose any combination. Participants are also encouraged to form teams with a diversity of gender, region, skill levels, seniority, and more. In our experience, team diversity has significant benefits, especially in a hackathon.

b) Nonprofit organizations

Teams will have an opportunity to bring the nonprofit they want to support. This can be an organization they already have a relationship with, a local or global nonprofit, that would benefit from an OutSystems license. If they do not have a nonprofit partner, we will be available to suggest some of the organizations that were nominated for the Digital Volunteers Program.

If you would like to know more or need clarification, reach out to the hackathon team via [email protected]

2. Registration Rules

Important: By registering for the event, you agree to adhere to the code of conduct.

Step 1 - Taikai platform: 

Each team member must use the TAIKAI platform to register as an innovator, and the team lead selected  by the team will then create a Project and add their team “innovators” to the project.

Team names should include the company name (if all members are coming from the same organization) and another identifying noun. For example, an OutSystems team might use “OutSystems Geeks” or “OutSystems Warriors.” 

Registrations are valid once a project is created with a maximum of 5 members, and a description stating which nonprofit organization is selected to participate with the team. 

Make sure you have all the relevant information before registering:

  1. All team members on board and the selected team lead

  2. Team name

  3. Nonprofit you will bring to the hackathon (optional)

Step 2 - email confirmation:

Once the project is created and all team members added, the team lead should send an email to [email protected] with the following information:

  • Name of the team

  • Names and email addresses of the team

  • Name and website of the nonprofit (if applicable)

  • Description of use case or AI services to be used (optional)

OutSystems will make access to ODC available after the registrations close and all information is received. AWS and Microsoft AI services will also be accessible free of charge, but with some limitations. 

3. Challenge Selection 

Teams will have freedom to build an app, ideally one that aligns with the nonprofit they would like to support (if applicable). Each application built will be evaluated based on criteria presented during the hackathon kick-off. This means that leveraging new ODC features - specifically AI Agent builder, as well as the creativity, uniqueness and innovation you bring to your solution will earn you most of the points. 

You can consult with your partner nonprofit organization for ideas on developing relevant solutions. Your solution can also use the brand and the cause related to the nonprofit. 

4. Timeline

Registration for the hackathon will be open from June 1, 2024 until September 17, 2024. 

The Live Hackathon Kickoff is scheduled for September 23, 2024, and all participants are invited to attend. However, at least one member of your team must attend. Apart from introductions, the hackathon team will present the challenge and requirements for the solution. 

Teams will have 7 days to work on their solution. 

The jury will evaluate all of the submissions and select three winners that will be announced during the OutSystems ONE Conference in Amsterdam. 

5. Submission 

Final submission

Teams are asked to make final submissions of their work until September 30, 2024 11:59 PM CET.  

Only completed submissions will be considered for evaluation. 

Submission should contain a description of the project (document) and a demo video

The project document should define the following:

  • Problem statement

  • Use case description

  • Integration and AI services planned for using 


The video demoing your app should be based on the following criteria:

  • Maximum duration 5 min

  • The video should be submitted on the last day of the hackathon under your project (you can add links so you can use public google drive link, youtube link or any other publicly available platform)

  • The video should walk through the app (an experience that can be replicated by the jury)

  • The video should show off the features that are aligned with the selection criteria, with special attention to the AI services/models used

The jury will base their evaluation on the demo video you provide as well as accessing the app, replicating the experience, and analyzing the technical aspects. 

6. Selection criteria 

The selection of the winning applications will be based on the following criteria: 

  1. Technical 

Application of the ODC features presented during the kick-off of the hackathon

  1. UX/UI quality 

User experience/user interface is an important aspect of each app.

  1. Use of AI and innovation

Any innovative features you bring to your app will earn you extra points. Take time to figure out what will make your solution unique and modern. 

  1. Demo quality 

The final video provides the opportunity to present all the app features in an engaging and interesting way. The submission has a firm time limit of five minutes. 

7. Definitions

In this document:

“Prizes”: refers to the prizes awarded to the Winners at the end of the Challenge.

“Overview”: refers to the specifications determined by the Organizer, which may include the deadlines, the prizes, the guidelines and themes to be complied with by all Innovators contributions.

“Challenge”: refers to the challenge that is the subject of the Rules, as organized by the Organizer.

“General User Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy”: designate the general terms of use of the TAIKAI’s website and its Privacy Policy, accepted by every Innovator during the creation of a TAIKAI user account and readable on taikai.network

“Projects”: refers to the Team and to all submissions, original ideas, documents or other materials (such as presentations, videos, code, websites, etc.) uploaded to the Website by Innovators in response and as a solution to this Challenge;

“Backers”: refers to the jury responsible for selecting the winning Projects.

“Innovator”: refers to any person registered in accordance with the Rules who takes part in the Challenge.

“Registration”: refers to the registration of an Innovator in accordance with the Rules.

“Rules”: refers to these terms, which apply to the Challenge.

“Team”: refers to the team of innovators (1 to 5 per team), created on the platform in order to take part in the Challenge.

“Winner” or “Winners”: refers to the members of the three (3) Projects that reach the final stage of the Challenge and are ranked by the Backers as winning teams.