Política de privacidad

TAIKAI Privacy Notice & Cookie Policy

Last Update: November 9th, 2021

TAIKAI S.A. is a company registered with the Portuguese Companies Registry under no. 515012718, having its registered office at Travessa Jose Maria Alves 138 Hab05, 4400-483 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal ("TAIKAI," “we” or “us”), and is the data controller responsible for the processing of your personal data on the Website.

Reference in this Privacy Notice to “personal data” means any information that identifies or could reasonably be used to identify a living individual, either on its own or together with other information. In addition to this Privacy Notice, please also refer to our Terms and Conditions, as well as our Cookies Policy which explains the use of cookies and other web tracking devices used on our Website. Together these documents set out the basis on which any personal data will be processed by us.

Please read this Privacy Notice carefully to understand our practices with respect to personal data.

How We Collect Your Personal Data

As a website-based open innovation platform, we regularly receive personal data as part of our services. The personal data that we collect, and process may include:

Personal data that you give us, including:

  • Registration: We collect the personal data that is required in order to set up an account and to register for the services we provide on our website: user account, name, email address, and password.

  • Profile: We collect personal data to create your profile in the platform that you optionally choose to give to us, such as: date of birth, title, photograph, country, education, professional skills, and employment preferences. You don’t have to provide additional information in your profile; but profile information helps you to get more from our services, like being identified by teams to participate in a Challenge. If applicable, your profile will also show membership in a team(s).

  • Postings and uploads: We collect Content that you provide through a post or upload onto our Website, such as when you register for a Challenge, when you upload resources (e.g., documents, presentations, audio/video files) submitted as part of your participation in a Challenge, when you chat or message with other members of the Community, post announcements, or use public message boards.

  • Technical information: We keep a record of any correspondence between you and us, such as information that you send when you report a problem with our Website or Service.

  • Information we collect from third parties: We collect information about you from other users who post or upload Content about you into our Website.

  • Any other information relating to you which you may provide to us.

Information that we collect automatically from a third-party source, including:

Other Users. We may collect information about you from other users who post or upload Content about you into our Website.

Social Media Authentication Information. If you register on our Website using social media authentication (such as Github, Google, etc.), we will access certain personal data (e.g., name, email) from your social media profile according to the terms and conditions of those platforms.

Technical Information. When you visit our Website, we collect information relating to the devices you use and the networks to which you are connected. This technical information includes your IP address, log-in information, bandwidth used, time of visit, browser type and version, browser plugins types and versions, operating system, information about your visit including the URL clickstream, download/upload errors, pages visited, page interactions, and other connection data held in our logs. We collect this information using different technologies, like cookies (see our Cookies Policy).

How Long We Retain Your Personal Data

We retain your personal data so long as you have an Account with us. If you close your Account, your personal data will be immediately deleted, save if one of the exceptions below apply.

You can always change your mind and simply delete the data you choose to share in your profile by changing it on the settings. If you decide to delete all your data, we will be unable to provide you with an Account.

Information you have shared with others will remain visible after you close your Account but will be anonymized. Your profile may continue to be displayed in the services of others (e.g., search engine results) until the user refreshes their cache.

If your Account is suspended or blocked, we will keep your data for a period of between 2 and 5 years to prevent you from circumventing the T&Cs of our Website.

We may also retain your personal data for an additional period to the extent necessary for legal purposes like to assert or defend against legal claims.

How We Use Your Personal Data

We use your personal data to provide, support and develop our innovation platform service. We use your personal data to:

  • Allow you to take part in the innovation Challenges on our Website;
  • Enable you to personalize your user profile/Account;
  • Send you service-related information (e.g., confirmation of your registration in a Challenge) by email and/or any other communication means;
  • Enable you to communicate and interact with other Community members, such as team members, jury members and/or the organizers of a Challenge;
  • Publish an announcement that you are a finalist or winner of a Challenge;
  • Give you access to our support services to enable you to communicate with us;
  • Keep our Website secure and safe;
  • Send you, in accordance with applicable laws and where required, with your consent, marketing materials and suggestions of our services (e.g., up-coming challenges) that may interest you;
  • Notify you about changes to our services;
  • Administer our Website, including for troubleshooting, access, data analysis, testing, research, analytic and survey purposes;
  • Improve our Website to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner; and
  • Comply with our legal obligations, including court orders and other legal or regulatory requirements.

How We Share Your Personal Data

We may share your personal data with TAIKAI affiliates, for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Notice.

Profile. When you use our services, your profile is fully visible to all members of our Community, such as Challenge innovators, jury members, and the company or organization that creates a Challenge. Certain profile information (e.g., name, photo, etc.) can also be visible to others on or off our Website (e.g., visitors to our Website or users of third-party search engines).

Projects. Projects related to the Challenge can be viewed by other members of your team (if applicable), Challenge administrators and jury members.

Crowd Jury Challenges. Certain of our Challenges are open for voting, which allows the crowd to vote on the winning projects. In these cases, the public can view projects related to the Challenge, individual and team profiles and resources related to the project (presentations, audio/video files, etc.). Please don’t participate in a public Challenge, if you do not want to make this information public.

We also work with third parties who are recipients of your personal data, such as:

  • The Organization that has created a Challenge, its administrators and jury members, or other persons to whom it has granted access to your personal data for the sole purpose of administering the Challenge;
  • Social media platforms that may provide you with connecting services to use our Website;
  • Our technical providers who process data on our behalf (e.g., cloud computing platforms, data and content management and transmission systems, search engine providers, etc.) or analytics providers; and
  • Subject to your consent, social media platforms who may advertise our services on their Websites.

We only share your personal data with third parties in the following cases:

  • Where it is necessary to perform our services (e.g., providing your personal data to an organization that creates a challenge);
  • To assist us in the improvement and optimization of our website by using analytics and search engines;
  • it is explicitly requested by you (e.g., when registering through social media authentication);
  • It is based on your consent and/or our legitimate interest;
  • If we are required to do so by law or in a good faith belief that disclosure is reasonably necessary to respond to claims asserted against us, to comply with legal proceedings, in the framework of an investigation, or protect the rights, property or personal safety of TAIKAI or its members;
  • If we sell or buy any business or assets, we may disclose your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer; and
  • If all or part of our assets are acquired by a third party, your personal data may be included as transferred assets.

If you decide to share your personal data with us by using social media authentication, the latter’s privacy policies will apply to you. We do not control the collection or processing of your information by such platforms.

We collect, use and share the data base on these legal grounds:

Performance of a Contract: One reason we might use your information is because you have entered into an agreement with us when you register in our website to participated in our services.

Legitimate interest: Another reason we might use your information is because we have—or a third party has—a legitimate interest in doing so. For example, we need to use your information to provide and improve our services, including protecting your account, providing technical support, helping you find content and to provide services on our website, unless those interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms that require protection of personal data.

Consent: In some cases, we ask for consent to use your information for specific purposes. If we do it we will make sure you can revoke your consent in our services or through your device permissions.

Legal obligation. We may be required to use your personal information to comply with the law, like when we respond to valid legal process or need to take action to protect our users.

Direct Marketing Emails And Targeted Ads On Social Media Platforms

In accordance with applicable laws and when you give your consent, we may use the information you give us on our Website for electronic direct marketing (e.g. receiving our newsletters, invitations to upcoming challenges or events and other communications that we think may interest you). You can withdraw your consent at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in each TAIKAI email or contacting us at the details provided below.

Regarding targeted ads and content, you can object at any time by configuring your settings regarding advertisement on your social media account (e.g. Facebook).

Transferring Your Personal Data

We store your personal data in the European Economic Area. If you use our website, your personal data may be shared among TAIKAI affiliates (both inside and outside the European Economic Area). Our global policy requires all affiliated entities to ensure a level of data protection at least as protective as those mandated by the European Economic Area.

We may also transfer personal data to third parties, including those based outside the European Economic Area, for example (but not limited to) sub-contractors and third parties involved in providing services. When we transfer your personal data, we will do this in accordance with applicable data protection laws and will take appropriate safeguards to ensure its integrity and protection.

If required by any of our customers or event, all personal data from TAIKAI users is not transferred outside the EEA, provided that it is duly stipulated in the contract between TAIKAI and the client.

How We Keep Your Personal Data Secure

We will take appropriate technical and organizational measures against unauthorized or unlawful processing of your personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, your personal data in accordance with our internal security procedures covering its storage, access and destruction.

Your Rights Regarding Personal Data

Right to access your personal data: you have the right to obtain information regarding the processing of your personal data and to the following information:

  • The purposes of the processing;
  • The categories of personal data concerned;
  • The recipients or categories of recipient to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, in particular recipients in third countries or international organizations;
  • Where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;
  • The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
  • When personal data are transferred to a Non-EU-Member State or to an international organization, the appropriate safeguards relating to the transfer.

Right to Rectification: you have the right to obtain with undue delay the rectification of your personal data. Considering the purposes of the processing, you have the right to have your incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.

Right to erasure: you have the right to erasure your personal data concerning where one of the following grounds applies:

  • The personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
  • If you withdraw the consent on which the processing is based;
  • If you object to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing;
  • The personal data have been unlawfully processed;
  • The personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in Union or Member State law.

Right to restriction of processing: you have the right to the restriction of processing where one of the following grounds applies:

  • If you contest the accuracy of the personal data;
  • If the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of the personal data and request the restriction of their use instead;
  • If your personal data is no longer needed for the purposes of the processing;
  • If you have objected to the processing.

Right to data portability: you have the right to receive the personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another Controller where:

  • The processing is based on consent or on a contract;
  • The processing is carried out by automated means.

Right to object: you have the right to object when the processing of personal data is based on legitime interests or public interests.

Right to lodge a complaint with supervisory authorities regarding the processing of your personal data: In Portugal, the competent authority is Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados (CNPD).

All such requests, or any questions or comments regarding this policy or our handling of your personal data, should be addressed to [email protected].


Our services are not intended for anyone under 18 (eighteen) years old and we do not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under this age.

Our website contains links to other websites, including to partner companies. Those websites have their own privacy practices, for which we do not accept responsibility or liability. Please review those policies before submitting any personal data.


This Privacy Notice was updated in April 2019. We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Notice from time to time to reflect changing legal requirements or our processing practices. Any such changes will be posted on this website and will be effective upon posting.

A cookie is a file that records information relating to your navigation on our website www.taikai.network (date and time the pages were loaded; browser used and language; pages viewed, frequency and duration of visits to the site, number of visits, sources of the visit, location) and can facilitate your visits to the site.

At any time, you can delete cookies, refuse installation of new cookies or be notified before a new cookie is installed by configuring your browser following the instructions below. By continuing to use our site you accept this cookies policy and agree to the use of cookies on your computer.

Please note that if you uninstall a cookie or refuse the installation of cookies, you may not be able to use some of our services on our website.

Types of cookies

We use the following types of cookies:

a. Session cookies for site management: when you access the site, a cookie “token” with a unique encrypted session id code is passed to your computer. This token then controls your access to the site for that session and is deleted once you log off from the site. These cookies also allow us to identify your device and preferences when you return to our website, such as customized features, language and regional preferences. These cookies are an essential part of the site delivery system, and you will not be able to fully use our site without these cookies enabled. The information gathered by these cookies is anonymous and is used only to improve your experience on our website.

b. Persistent cookies for site management: if you register on the site and select the "Remember me" option, a persistent cookie is passed to your computer. This cookie is not deleted when you leave the site or close your browser but is saved on your computer. This cookie contains an encrypted user id code that identifies your computer upon future visits and automatically logs you into the site. This cookie is functional, and is designed to remember your preferences, to make your experience on our site better. It does not contain any personal information that could be used to identify you.

c. Analytics cookies: We use Google Analytics to monitor traffic on our site. When you visit our site, these programs set certain cookies that record statistical information about your visits to the site. We measure the number of visits, the number of pages viewed as well as visitors' activity on the site and their frequency of return. This helps us improve our website and its functionality, for example, by ensuring that users can navigate it intuitively. These cookies do not store any personal information that could be used to identify you. Upon client request, we might remove all tracking pixels or any marketing cookies, as well as Google Analytics from the pages associated with that specific client, for GDPR compliance reasons.

d. What cookies are installed?

Cookies installed by TAIKAI:

CookieDescriptionOpting outDuration
tokenContains information about the navigation session and allows the user to access the site10 days
cookies_policy_acceptedSaves a user's choice regarding cookies13 months

Third-party cookies:

Google analytics:

CookieDescriptionOpting outDuration
_gidUsed to distinguish users.Google Analytics24 hours
_gatUsed to throttle request rate.Google Analytics1 minute
_gaUsed to distinguish users.Google Analytics2 years


CookieDescriptionOpting outDuration
GlobalizationUserLocationGroupIDAnonymous visitor identifier cookie.9 months
RememberUsernameStatusIdentifier for each unique browser session.1 week

How to delete, be notified when cookies are installed or configure your browser?

Clearing cookies already installed on your computer.

You can clear the cookies already installed on your computer by clearing your browser’s cache. For instructions on how to remove cookies on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer browsers, click here.

Configuring your browser to refuse cookies, or to be notified when cookies are installed.

All web browsers enable you to set your cookies preferences before you navigate the internet. For instructions on how to configure your web browser to refuse cookies or to notify you when cookies are installed, click here.

If you have questions about our Cookies Policy, please email us at [email protected].