Web3 Hackathon Case Study

Web3 Hackathon Case Study

How TAIKAI scaled Starkware’s hackathon to 390 builders

Starkware is a leading blockchain company whose technology is quickly becoming one of the major decentralized L2 stacks. Recognizing the strategic value of hackathons, Starkware decided to host a hackathon to build brand awareness and allow builders to create something meaningful and innovative for their ecosystem.

Organizing a hackathon, even for a large-scale project like Starkware, is a complex, resource-intensive endeavor that demands meticulous planning, coordination, and execution across different phases.

Planning a successful event requires a well-coordinated effort across multiple fronts like scheduling, registrations, promotion, sponsor engagement, and community management while onboarding registered participants. That's a lot for any team to juggle without letting anything fall through the cracks.

That’s why Starkware partnered with TAIKAI - to leverage a team of hackathon experts that streamlined the entire organization process from start to finish.

Our experience in hosting +180 hackathons, our community of more than 80,000 builders and developers, and our robust all-in-one hackathon platform led to remarkable participation in the Starknet Winter Hackathon:

  • 🧑‍💻 390 blockchain builders
  • 💡 43 projects
  • 🤝 10 sponsors
  • 🏎️ 10 bounty tracks + Global track
  • 🏆 Prize pool of $50,000

In this Web3 Hackathon Case Study, you will have access to:

  • How this hackathon attracted 390 participants, received 66 project submissions, and how you can replicate this success.
  • A detailed roadmap on how to plan and execute each phase of the hackathon.
  • The proven strategies implemented to ensure maximum engagement and participation.
  • Key metrics and how to measure the success of a hackathon.
  • Exclusive insights into organizing a successful hackathon in the web3 space, with takeaways that can be applied to any hackathon.

Who is this case study for?

Download our free hackathon case study if:

  • You work on a web3 project.
  • You’re looking to organize a hackathon.
  • You want to learn the benefits of hosting a hackathon.
  • You’re researching best hackathon practices and need more info.
  • You’re researching hackathon platforms and want to choose one.

Download the case study now 👇

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