
Portugal, Portugal

Hackathon for Solutions with Social Impact (Organized by Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Santarém, Guarda and Portalegre)

  • 5 Hackathons
  • 255 Participantes


  • Education
  • Social Good

CityHack - The city as a social platform.

The Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portalegre, Guarda and Santarém announce the 6th edition of the CityHack Project

CityHack is a 24-hour marathon event aimed at developing technology solutions for the cities.

This project aims to encourage participants to present technological solutions to improve the quality of life in cities, by recognizing, valuing and retaining talent, and also aiming to create conditions for the development of the proposed ideas.

There is no registration fee and all the 24-hour logistics, including meals, will be charged to the organization.


Note - CityHack is a registered trademark of the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar at the National Institute of Industrial Property, nº 588134 em 13/12/2017