Polkadot Prodigy

Polkadot Hackathon: Prodigy Edition! The chance to dive into WEB3 development and bring your ideas life on Polkadot.

  • 408 Participantes
  • 46,530 Invertido
  • 0 Sin iversiones




  • Blockchain
  • NFT
  • Web3
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • DeFi

Timeline (UTC)

4/15/2024 10:00 AMRegistration
5/7/2024 09:00 AMPolkadot Prodigy Hackathon - Opening Ceremony
5/7/2024 06:30 PMHacking
5/27/2024 04:00 AMHackathon end
5/27/2024 11:00 AMVoting Closed
Pistas de votación
  • Web3 Tooling
  • DeFi
  • Ink - Smart Contracts
  • AI and Web3 Synergy
  • VARA Network Challenge
  • NFT and Gaming
6/8/2024 05:00 PMClosing event and Results