ETHSamba Hack

ETHSamba Hack, Rio de Janeiro, 22/03 - 24/03


  • Horário limite para entrega do PROJETO FINAL24 Mar, 2024 - 13:30
  • Avaliação dos projetos24 Mar, 2024 - 19:00
Ver todos
  • 461 Participantes



  • Educação
  • Impacto Social
  • NFT
  • Metaverse
  • DeFi
Total de $25000 em Prêmios 🫡

Prêmios Gerais

Além das recompensas dos nossos patrocinadores abaixo, estaremos premiando os 3 melhores projetos, selecionados pelos nossos juízes, com:

🥇 750 USDC + um Ledger Nano S Plus hard wallet para cada membro.
🥈 500 USDC + um Ledger Nano S Plus hard wallet para cada membro.
🥉 250 USDC + um Ledger Nano S Plus hard wallet para cada membro.

Lembre-se de que, para ganhar na categoria geral, as equipes também devem ter cumprido os requisitos de pelo menos um dos patrocinadores.

📜 Scroll - 8000 USDC

Prizes ($8000 USDC)

🚀 Deploy on Scroll ⸺ $3,500

Split evenly between all qualifying projects

This should just mean changing your RPC! Try out Scroll's next-generation zk-rollup by deploying your project's smart contracts on the Scroll testnet on Sepolia. With Scroll's zkEVM, users will benefit from lower costs, shorter block times, and higher throughput -- without you needing to modify your Solidity code.

Qualification Requirements

Deploy and verify your smart contract on Scroll.Make sure to include both the contract address and link to scroll-etherscan in your github read me.

🥇 Best on Scroll ⸺ $4,500

Up to 3 teams will recieve 1,500$ each

You're here to build the latest and greatest in web3 on Ethereum — we want to see it deployed on Scroll.

Use Scroll's Sepolia Testnet for your deployment — just change your RPC address! We're compatible with the EVM at the bytecode level, so all your Solidity, Vyper, or YUL should just work without changes.

  • Payments track $1500
    One spot reserved for a financial app focused on payments that will help the first billion users in their everyday transactions.
  • Non financial track $1500
    Ethereum’s decentralization, coordination, permissionlessness enable more than finances. One spot will be reserved for a non financial project (e.g. public goods, identity)
  • General track $1500
    Ethereum is expressive by default, this track if for innovative and creative projects that leverage the Scroll security and low gas fees.

Qualification Requirements

  • Project contracts must be deployed on Scroll Sepolia and verified on Scrollscan
  • Projects that excite us will often:
    • Solve a tangible problem or build out a relevant use case
    • Provide value to developers or other communities by building a public good
    • Get weird or super technical — maybe ignoring product-market fit, but exploring new territory

💚 Near - 6000 USDC 

Launchpad Bounty 

Launch your MVP in NEAR

Prize Amount: 3,000 USDC

Have you ever thought of launching your own business, or do you currently run a startup? This bounty is designed with you in mind, especially if you want to make a mark in Brazil's vibrant market. Embrace this opportunity to develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for your innovative idea using NEAR's technology or integrate your existing startup into NEAR’s adaptable tech stack. We encourage you to devise solutions that resonate with Brazilian cultural nuances and meet the country's distinct market needs. Utilize Brazil's unique business landscape to create offerings that harness advanced technology and align closely with local realities, establishing relevant businesses within the country and competitive globally.

There are many ways of integrating NEAR into your startup: 

  • Harness the power of NEAR's infinitely scalable Layer 1 blockchain, which boasts low transaction fees and rapid finality. 

  • Benefit from decentralized frontends that eliminate the need for wallet setup while enabling interaction with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). 

  • Use NEAR's chain abstraction and account aggregation features to sign transactions across various blockchains seamlessly. 

  • Leverage NEAR's cost-effective and high-throughput data availability layer, which draws on Ethereum's robust security. 

  • Additionally, take advantage of the opportunity to deploy your smart contracts on the Aurora EVM, expanding your project's reach and capabilities within the blockchain ecosystem.

Judging Criteria:

  • Team spirit and readiness to progress

  • UI/UX design quality

  • Technical excellence

  • Integration of NEAR or Aurora infrastructure

  • Value added to NEAR ecosystem

AI Governance is NEAR

Help an AI Overlord Establish Fair Governance Using NEAR

Prize Amount: 3,000 USDC

The NEAR AI Governance Challenge calls for visionaries at the intersection of AI and blockchain technology. This bounty invites participants to imagine an autonomous government operated by AI that epitomizes transparency and flexibility. Your task is to devise a system where AI, possibly through large language models (LLMs) or other advanced AI models, can receive feedback from its constituents within the NEAR ecosystem and, in response, formulate, adjust, or repeal governance rules.

We seek innovative Web3 applications demonstrating how AI could interact with blockchain to perform governance functions. This might involve AI writing and deploying smart contracts autonomously or smart contracts designed to be triggered by AI to establish new regulations. Consider how these smart contracts could facilitate an AI overlord's receiving and processing feedback, ensuring that the resulting rules are fair and effective.Reflect on Brazil's unique governance challenges and opportunities and mold a system where technology and participatory governance converge. This will offer a fresh perspective on reimagining leadership and community engagement in the digital age.

Judging Criteria:

  • Team spirit and readiness to progress

  • UI/UX design quality

  • Technical excellence

  • Integration of LLMs and Smart Contracts with NEAR

  • Impact on Near's organization


  • Final submissions should be available in a public GitHub repository.

  • BOS submissions should include links to the components.

  • Teams can only apply to one of the two bounties.

Clique aqui para a versão em PT-BR.

💙 OpenZeppelin - 2500 USDC

Ethernauts Bounty 

Create an ethernauts level

Prize Amount: 2500 USDC and the winner will be considered to be added into the game
🥇 1250 USDC
🥈 950 USDC
🥉 300 USDC

The Ethernaut is a Web3/Solidity based wargame inspired by, played in the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Each level is a smart contract that needs to be 'hacked'. The game is 100% open source and all levels are contributions made by other players.

The bounty consists on creating an ethernaut level. Here are the contributions guide :

Judging Criteria:

- Original and with a clear theme around a specific (or many) mechanic/s

- The level is challenging

- The level is fun

Rules :

The deliverable should be a forked repo of Ethernaut with your level including all the elements described in the contributions guide. Be sure to follow the contribution guide level development and example level development sections. As described in the guide, this should include a test that wins the level using an attacker contract. Use the guide + other levels as reference.

👷 BuidlGuidl - 2500 USDC

The Challenge:

Build a dapp using Scaffold-ETH 2.

Evaluation Criteria:

- Technical: analysis of code from a design, quality and functionality perspective, this applies to both the smart contract and frontend (source code and configurations will need to be shared with us for review)

- Presentation: How well was the dapp explained and presented from a technical and value add perspective?

🔷 Chainlink- 2500 USDC

Total amount Prize: $2500

5 prizes - $500 each

Category - Chainlink CCIP
The 2 best projects will win $500 each.

Category - Connect the world with Chainlink
The 3 best projects will win $500 each.

Category - Chainlink CCIP

The 2 best projects will win $500 each.

Build something awesome using Chainlink CCIP! The Chainlink Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) provides a single simple interface through which dApps and web3 entrepreneurs can securely meet all their cross-chain needs, including token transfers and arbitrary messaging.

Category - Connect the world with Chainlink

The 3 best projects will win $500 each.

Build something awesome using Chainlink! 

Anything that came from the Chainlink Documentation counts - using Price Feeds, Data Streams, PoR, VRF, Automation or Chainlink Functions!

Criteria - both categories

Each project must use a Chainlink service in some form to make a state change on a blockchain, otherwise it will not be eligible for the Chainlink core prizes. This means that a front end simply reading from Chainlink Data Feeds doesn't count. Using Chainlink inside your smart contracts is required.

While all project submissions are evaluated holistically, there will be bonus points given to projects that use multiple Chainlink services in a meaningful way.

Please let us know how you use Chainlink in the project description.

It must be possible for the judges to find the Chainlink use in your code. Only the intention to use is not valid.

You must present your project for the Chainlink judges! Projects whose team does not present will not be evaluated.


You’ll find:

- Smart Contract Starter Tutorial

- Documentation for all the Chainlink features

- Hardhat Starter Kits

- Brownie Starter Kits

- Truffle Starter Kits

Additionally you have:

The newest Developer Hub -

Have fun!

🤍 ENS- 100 ENS (~2000 USD)

Best app that implements ENS.

Here are some ideas: