Cartesi Hackathon 2023

Build decentralized Linux applications (with the stacks you're used to) using Cartesi Rollups.

  • 216 Participantes
  • 149,998 Investido
  • 0 Ainda por investir



  • Software e Serviços
  • Blockchain
  • NFT
  • Metaverse
  • DeFi

Hello, bounties. 

We’re passionate about supporting developers and encouraging creativity to blossom across the community. Our $15,000 (USD) track reward is broken down into the following:

  • 🥇 1st -  $5,000 USD Team Prize

  • 🥈 2nd - $3,000 USD Team Prize

  • 🥉 3rd - $2,000 USD Team Prize

1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will also receive a premium SWAG package! Hello, looking good and feeling good - because you deserve it! This includes carefully selected Cartesi SWAG items that you can brag about (more on that to come 😉)

  • 💰 $5,000 USD Shared Pool Prize (For notable projects, we'll reward up to 5 teams $1000 USD if they qualify as runner ups)

🏅 Extra Perks for Exceptional Projects!

  • 🟡 Project Showcase ⇒ Get featured on the Cartesi Projects Showcase. Let the world know about you and your exciting project!

  • 🟡 Grants ⇒ exceptional projects may be eligible for grant funding from the Cartesi Community Grants Program for further development and are encouraged to apply.

  • 🟡 Newsletter Appearance ⇒ high-impact projects are often highlighted in a Cartesi hackathon recap (also shared in the Cartesi community monthly recap newsletters!), with honorable mentions for excellent projects too!

  • 🟡 Exposure and Promotion ⇒ super projects may gain additional exposure from co-marketing, AMAs, live Demo Days, and other collaborative initiatives to promote projects to the wider Cartesi ecosystem.