Which hackathon platform to choose?

Hackathon Platforms Benchmark

There are several hackathon platforms on the market and choosing one to organize your hackathon is no easy task.

It requires time and dedication to research the various solutions, compare features, and analyze each platform to find the one that best meets your goals and expectations.

Thankfully, we're here to help you!

We’ve conducted a careful review of the major hackathon platforms and created a benchmarking guide, so you have a quick and clear understanding of the features and benefits each one offers.

You'll find a comparison chart presenting nine crucial criteria in a hackathon platform to help you make a better-informed decision before hosting a hackathon.

The criteria are as follow:

  • Customizable participant registration form: does the platform offers customizable participant registrations?
  • Team formation: can participants find partners and form teams inside the platform?
  • Community chat: is there a community chat tool?
  • Livestream: does the platform provide a built-in livestream tool?
  • Voting mechanism: can juries vote on the platform? How?
  • Promotion: Does the platform offers promotional content?
  • 1:1 support: Is there dedicated 1:1 support to attend to your needs and doubts?
  • Project showcase: can participants deliver and showcase their projects inside the platform?
  • Audience: is the platform targeted towards a specific audience or not?

Download our benchmarking guide now and find out the ideal platform for your next hackathon!

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