ETHAccra Hackathon 2024

ETHAccra is an in person 3-day hackathon happening in Accra. “Come for the Hack - Stay for the Vibes”

  • 154 Participants
  • 0 Investi
  • 0 Non investi



  • Blockchain
  • NFT
  • Web3
  • Cryptography
  • DeFi

ETHAccra Hackathon Prizes 

There are prizes and bounties valued at up to $20,000 available.

🏆 The Open Track Bounty of USD 6000 is sponsored by Optimism and Ethereum Support Program.🏆

Here are the judging criteria for Open Track .  Bounties have their own detailed in Categories.

OriginalityIs the project wholly new or are there other existing instances of the same type of projection and/or execution?

The level of technicality will be judged on how effectively a project implements the ETHAccra Resources.

PracticabilityA rating of the project’s minimum viability.
InnovationJudges will be looking for efficiencies in the delivery method from projects leveraging a new technology or enabling a new use/solution.